groom slipping the ring on the bride's finger

Backpacking couple hired Black Avenue Productions to take their romantic travel photos, which turned into a surprise marriage proposal photography. Their story:

Destination Couple Photography

Calvin and Eva have been together for over three years and decided to follow their dreams, quit their jobs and travel the world in 2017/2018. Having already travelled in 14 countries and 45 cities, they planned to visit Australia before heading to their next destination.

The couple contacted us to book a three-day couple photography trip in the breath taking Grampians, one of the stunning national parks in Victoria, a few hours drive west of Melbourne.

Originally Calvin and Eva just wanted ‘some professional photographs’ so they can create a memorable travel journal album. Secretly, Calvin told us that he would like to propose to Eva during the trip to the Grampians and asked us to capture the special moment.

“Yes, yes, yes! This is so exciting! We’d be honored, can’t wait to give Eva the surprise of her life!”

Planning the Proposal

Calvin successfully sneaked out to a jewelry store in Melbourne to get the engagement ring without Eva noticing.

While they were happy to be photographed in their smart-casual attire, as this reflected the true nature of their personality and relationship, they managed to find one nice set of outfits to dress up in.

However, Calvin also requested us to prepare a wedding dress from Pretty In Love – custom made bridal gown store for Eva so the photographs could also be used as ‘pre-wedding photography’.

Pre-wedding photography (engagement photography) is big a trend in Asian countries. Couples usually wear multiple outfits including wedding dresses, evening gowns and different suits for the shoot.

Engagement photos are then used for wedding invitation cards, Save the Day cards, wedding reception backdrops, wall art canvases and wedding guest books.

On The Road

Staying at the picturesque small town of Halls Gap, we drove around the Grampians taking stunning photos at beautiful locations including Reeds lookoutMcKenzie Falls and the Balconies.

The Proposal

Naturally, when we started shooting at the Balconies, Calvin was very nervous and Eva was non-the wiser to what was about to go down. After the surprise proposal overlooking a stunning view, Eva said, “of course, yes!” and the rest of the day was spent celebrating.

The shoot the following day continued where we left off and included Eva wearing a white lace wedding dress that we had prepared for her.

Stay tuned for part two of their pre-wedding photo shoot trip.

Behind The Scenes

Got an idea of your unique proposal photography?

Let us know your plan at  blackavenueproductions@gmail.com and we’ll capture your special moment for you!